If you’ve played with Rails for more that about 3 minutes you’ll know that the params hash can itself contain hashes. If you use form_for/fields_for then you’re used to things like params[:user] containing those fields pertaining to the user and things like that. But it can also contain arrays, arrays of hashes and so on.
Fundamentally html forms don’t know about any sort of structured data. All they know about is name-value pairs. Rails tacks some conventions onto parameter names which it uses to express some structure.
A lot of the time you don’t really care about how this happens. You use the helpers, rails generates its magic form element names and more magic on the other side stuffs that into your params hash. Every now and again you need to head off the beaten track, and there it’s useful to understand how things all fit together (eg if you are generating data to submit via javascript).
Boring cases & parlour tricks
First off we’ll need a way of trying out things. You could of course just mock up a form with the appropriate input elements but this would massively slow down the process of trying out stuff which is never a good thing. Instead we can tap into what Rails uses. Just open up a script/console prompt:
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Just stick name=value pairs (joined with &) into a string and pass it to the above function. What you get back is what would be in the params hash in your controller. From now on, for the sake of brevity I’ll just write parse instead of ActionController::AbstractRequest.parse_query_parameters. If you’re on 2.3 or higher (ie after this commit then you’ll need to use this:
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And if you’re on Rails 3, you can use
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If you’ve ever looked at the html your app generates you will have seen form inputs with names like user[name] (as generated by the text_field or form_for helpers). This notation indicates that the user parameter should be a hash, and that here we’re talking about the name key in that hash:
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The other basic structure is an array. By default, repeated parameters with the same name are ignored and only the first appearance counts.
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If the name ends with [] then instead of discarding extra occurrences they are accumulated in an array:
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One use case might be a set of checkboxes which indicate which folders a user has to. Just create all your checkboxes with the name accessible_folder_ids[] and with the ids of the folders as values, for example:
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Stick this in a form and when you submit it, params[:user][:accessible_folder_ids] will be an array containing the ids of the folders the user can play with.
Nested parameters for dummies
We can nest hashes if we want. For example perhaps a user has an associated model such as an address:
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A member of a hash can of course be an array. To do this you just append [] to the parameter name, as with a top level array parameter:
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The array can be several levels down: we can improve a previous example of a user with an address by saying that the address should have a lines array containing the lines from the address. Start with user[address][lines] and then just append [] to indicate the parameter should be an array:
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There’s another case in which nesting like this can be useful. Support for example that we have a list of users and we want the user to be able to change as many of them as they want with one edit operation. If we use the id of the records as the first key then this is easy:
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The corresponding controller code is similarly simple
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(Handling errors and invalid entries when editing multiple elements is an interesting problem in itself and is left as an exercise to the reader). If you are using the Rails form helpers, the :index option does precisely this:
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Editing multiple objects
An interesting case is a form allowing us to create several models, for example to add several users to a mailing list. To do this we use parameters of the form users[][name]. This says that users is an array and we’re pushing an hash with key name onto it. So for example
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So how does rails know when one record is finished and the next start? Simple: if we’ve already had a users[][name] parameter and we see a new one then we can usually assume that the next one must belong to a new user
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To continue with a previous example, a user might have several addresses:
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Turtles all the way down
Hashes can be nested as much as you want:
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Arrays can’t be nested: you can can’t for example have a parameter which is an array of arrays. You can have a hash with an array parameter or an array of hashes but in general there can only be one level of ‘arrayness’. It’s easy enough to see why this is: arrays are built by repeating the same parameter name multiple times, however if you are inside an array then parameter name repetition is precisely what rails uses to determine whether it should move on to the next array element[1].
To an extent this can be sidestepped, for example instead of an array of users you can have a hash of users keyed by id. If your data structure is genuinely just an array you can always make it into a hash that is keyed by array index. For example if we had a form displaying a list of users and each user has a name and a list of aliases then the following query string parses into what we want:
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Where it can go wrong
Consider the following query string:
This can’t work: user[aliases][] indicates that user has an aliases attribute that’s an array, but user[aliases][name] indicates that user has an aliases attribute that’s a hash. There are other ways in which this can happen, but the result is the same:
[1] This is also the reason for the problem Xavier mentions in his comment. Checkboxes submit no value if they are not checked, however it’s rather convenient to create the illusion that they send (for example) 1 if the box is checked, 0 if not.
The rails check_box helper does this by adding a hidden field with the same parameter name. If the checkbox submits nothing then the hidden field “wins” and submits 0, if the checkbox is checked then it wins because it’s the first parameter. However since rails uses parameter name repetition to distinguish between elements of an array the hidden parameter causes rails to start a new array element. I don’t know of a good workaround other than using a hash instead of an array or using check_box_tag instead of check_box.